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歌曲歌词大全网收录“oceanside歌词 ”,歌曲歌词或悠扬,或悲伤,歌曲歌词来源于生活又高于生活,歌手通过歌曲告诉大家生活的道理,希望大家在享受音乐的同时有所收获,下面一起来欣赏下由演唱的oceanside歌词吧。


《Oceanside》是由美国歌手莱妮·露(Lainey Lou)演唱的一首英文歌曲。


Prince charming sing to me

All that I'm missing

Wish you could see the smile I'm trying to withhold

You are leaving little behind

Except this memory of time

All the sun can never shine as bright as you

You leave for one moment

Everyone can't see it

Nothing is breaking

And god's grace is what I'm living

Together stars will fall

The settle hit the walls

Along with every word that I'm singing

So now I'm writing a song

Praying you shall sing along to it some day

This maybe haven't done well

A lot is as far as I can tell

I'm in harmony

And I'm not putting one foot out that door

I know it's silly to say

Just how the simple days keep messing with my plan

A thousand diamond rings

Though nothing I can see can even comprehend

Your eyes meaning thousand days ahead

So now I'm writing a song

Praying you shall sing along to it some day

This maybe haven't done well

A lot is as far as I can tell

I'm in harmony

And I'm putting one foot out that door

So now I'm writing a song

Praying you shall sing along to it some day

This maybe haven't done well

A lot is as far as I can tell

I'm in harmony

And the oceanside is what I'm searching for

Prince charming sing to me

All that I'm missing

All the sun can never shine as bright as you

歌曲歌词大全网收录“oceanside歌词 ”,歌曲歌词整理自网路,如有版权请联系歌曲歌词大全网及时删除处理,感谢您欣赏由演唱的oceanside歌词